Diversity is America’s most valuable resource. It is what makes us the most innovative nation on earth.

- Nick Hanauer

We know that diversity can sometimes
be more uncomfortable because things are less familiar,
but it gets the best results.

- Megan Smith

Real cultural diversity results from the interchange of ideas, products, and influences, not from the insular development of a single national style.

- Tyler Cowen

There's a pure and simple business case for diversity:
Companies that are more diverse are more successful.

- Mindy Grossman

We Are Under Construction

Our site is currently under construction.  We are building out a beautiful new culture calendar, Dynamic training courses, and will be adding to our extensive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Dictionary.  Additionally, we are expanding our service offerings.  As you may notice, several of our pages – including our DEI Blog – are not available as they are being revamped.  Look for them and our brand new website soon.  In the meantime, if you’d like to speak with us about our services  – don’t hesitate to reach out.  Looking forward to seeing you back soon!

Build Equity One
Interaction at a Time

Using a mix of education, outreach and strategic planning we help organizations create authentic interactions with diverse stakeholders, both internally and externally.  We lay the groundwork with interactive training that brings every voice into the mix – and then work with your internal teams to co-create practices that create belonging across all identities.


We develop holistic and strategic approaches to multicultural and inclusive engagement. We partner with organizations to determine their needs and custom design inclusion strategies that meet specific organizational goals.


We’ve designed a method of training that is cooperative, nonjudgmental and encourages true interaction.  We show the impact of bias at work and more importantly provide a set of tools for productivity and inclusion.


With over 2 decades of training, marketing, and community engagement experience, we help organizations better understand the needs of diverse audiences. Then, we help them deliver impactful messaging for cooperative engagement.

Creating Cooperative Cultures.


Work with us.

We’ve had the privilege of working with top organizations on events, multi-cultural engagement and/or diversity and inclusion. We’d love the opportunity to partner with you on creating collaborative cultures and learning how to build authentic relationships with diverse audiences. Give us a call today or request a quote.

What’s your inclusion IQ?

McKinsey research reveals that organizations ranked in the top quartile for ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns that exceed national industry averages.  But sadly, many company leaders aren’t even aware of how their culture hampers the achievements of the diverse communities within their workforce.

We’ll help you:

  • Honestly assess existing bias, both conscious and unconscious, within your organization
  • Build strategies that lead to true multicultural collaboration
  • Embrace inclusion as part of your company fabric
  • Understand both the financial and cultural impact of fostering a more inclusive environment

Our framework for success.

Despite abundant proof that inclusion is a precursor to high performance and industry-leading innovation, many companies still struggle to effectively build cohesive, encouraging, and diverse cultures in the workplace.  The right strategy is essential, and we can help you develop an approach that guarantees success.

5 Step Process

  1. Assess corporate goals and cultural competencies
  2. Develop metrics & strategic action plans
  3. Customized training & team coaching
  4. Recruiting and retaining diverse talent
  5. Building authentic relationships through culturally responsive messaging & engagement

Time to take action.

Once you’ve identified a winning strategy to build your inclusive work environment, you need the buy-in and commitment of your team. For maximum results, you must move beyond the company memo, and launch a comprehensive offering of training and development courses that address your company’s specific concerns and roadblocks.

Some of our workshops:

  • Gender Value & Productivity
  • Leading & Working Across Generations
  • LGBTQIA in the Workplace
  • Implicit Bias
  • Micro Messaging & Micro-aggression
  • Systemic Bias
  • ADA & Differently-abled employees
  • Best Practices in Multicultural Marketing
  • Working with Diverse Teams
  • Equitable Hiring Practices

Reach your audience in an authentic, impactful way.

Studies show that 74% of event attendees have a more positive view of a brand after experiencing it in person.  Experiential marketing gives your brand a voice and personality.  It gives your target audience something tangible, and it can boost your sales but only if you execute it correctly.

We Connect through:

  • Community Engagement
  • Event Management
  • Culture Travel

Culturally Competent PR

Whether you’re interfacing with internal employees or the general public, it’s important to ensure your messaging is inclusive.  When a message is poorly received or unintentionally biased, it distracts from the original goal.  We can help you tell stories in a compelling way that makes everyone feel involved.

We’ve developed strategies for:

  • Inclusion & The Media
  • Culturally Competent Storytelling
  • Consistency: images, messages, goals
  • Micro-Messaging
  • Social Monitoring
  • Content Management
  • Crisis Communication
  • Public Relations

Target the right customer the right way.

When it comes to reaching your target market, there’s never a “one size fits all” approach.  To reach ethnically diverse customers, you need to refine your efforts to get your messages to the right places at the right time in the right way.  We can help you identify when and where to advertise to hit your goals.

We Offer:

  • Demographic Research
  • Ethnic Media Buying
  • Ethnic Media Monitoring
  • Trend Forecasting and Reporting

It’s about recruitment AND retention.

Achieving a culture of Inclusion dramatically improves your chances not only of retaining top diverse talent — but great talent in general.  Today’s professionals of color have a lot to contribute and expect that their efforts will be rewarded appropriately.  We’ve teamed up with kpCompanies, one of the best diversity search firms in the business, to bring expert diversity search capabilities and strategies to your company. We’ll supplement their efforts with our training and retention best practices.

We will help you with:

  • Equitable Hiring Practices
  • Diversity Recruitment
  • Retention Strategies
  • Taking Implicit Bias out of the Review Process
  • Developing Diverse Bench Strength

Request a Quote.


Problems can become opportunities
when the right people come together…

– Robert Redford

Our Blog: Inclusion Insights.


Inclusion Insights is UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Our new and improved blog will include more global content and better search capability.  Check back on January 1st for our Blog relaunch.

Join Our Mailing List.


We send occasional emails to let you know what’s new in the diversity space and about the specials we sometimes run on training and strategy. We won’t flood your email with things you don’t have time to read, and we will never share your information.