
5 Strategies for Effective Multicultural Marketing

One of the new trends in marketing is multicultural marketing, which refers to a type of advertising that is directed at the cultural diversity of a region. It is becoming increasingly common for people of different nationalities to live in a country on a daily basis, due to the large migrations that have occurred in recent years.

Such cases are those of Canada and the United States where sectors of the population that once were a minority are now becoming or are already the majority. Ethnic differences are important in the analysis of the behavior factor and consumer habits, both products and information.

For example, Latino populations in the United States are the most digital technology users, they acquire, especially smartphones and other mobile devices.

The data collected on consumption patterns of different population groups are changing some things in marketing campaigns, such as the characteristics of the people that appear in the ads, but also the type of content or message they transmit.

Marketing must be prepared to reach its target audience. But what if that audience is made up of Hindus, Mexicans, Norwegians, and Pakistanis living in the southern United States? Obviously, you should not use pure images with Caucasian people, should you not? (We say it with a little irony).

The 5 Effective Strategies for Multicultural Marketing

The first thing you have to make sure is that the message you want to convey in a campaign is understood, right? How are you going to get an audience to understand what you mean if you do not say it in your language?

The days when people have to adapt to advertising are counted. Now, it is the marketing that has to approach the people and adopt different ways to convey the messages.

1) The first element of multicultural marketing, according to Mashable, is to have bilingual campaigns. One language must be the official of the place where the campaign is launched, and the other the one spoken by the majority of your audience.

Part of the idea of ​​putting more than one language in the campaigns is linked to putting in context the values ​​with which the audience you are targeting is identified. One of the things that is important to keep in mind is that multicultural marketing does not mean, in any way, repeating the stereotypes that you have about the population group that makes up your goal.

2) When you launch a campaign that will target an audience of people from different cultures, it is important that you have the right combination of the message that promotes the product with the values that predominate in that group.

In addition to the content of the messages that reflect the values ​​that are important to your audience, you should also mix the type of actions you show in the campaign so that they are in tune with the behavior of your audience.

3) Use music and entertainment elements in your campaigns. This is particularly effective with Latino and Hispanic audiences, where hip-hop has made a significant impact.


4) The type of content and the hours of publication have to respond to the behavioral patterns of the audience you are targeting. But, that your audience is Latino does not mean that it is homogeneous. That is, among Latinos, there are different groups, it is not the same for a Hispanic who lives in Los Angeles to one who lives in Miami.


5) Partnering with a corporate researcher matters a lot in multicultural marketing. For your campaign to be more effective, you must partner with a professional whose focus is to develop and implement multicultural marketing is highly recommended.

Multiculturalism is a sign of the enormous wealth that humanity has and is a source of inspiration and creativity for those who can see beyond prejudices.

Including elements from diverse cultures and people of different ethnicities in marketing campaigns reflects not only a healthy openness to diversity but also shows how the world really is: broad, diverse, and full of enriching differences of culture in general.

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