How we...

The opportunity

First Children’s Finance (FCF) is a pioneering nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality and accessibility of child care and early education services across urban and rural areas. FCF supports child care entrepreneurs and communities by providing innovative financial and business development services. Established to bridge gaps in access to quality child care, FCF plays a crucial role in promoting the sustainability and growth of child care businesses, which in turn supports working families, aids in childhood development, and contributes to economic stability. By partnering with various stakeholders, FCF is committed to advancing equitable opportunities and fostering inclusive environments within the child care sector.


First Children’s Finance sought to elevate their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by aligning their long-standing values with a robust, actionable DEI strategy. The goal was to ensure that the DEI initiatives were not just well-articulated but deeply integrated into every facet of the organization, reflecting the diverse needs of their staff and the communities they serve.

The Plan

1. Initial Assessment through Focus Groups:

  • Engagement and Insight Collection: We launched an extensive series of focus groups that included employees from various departments, roles, and backgrounds within FCF. These sessions were carefully structured to foster open and honest dialogue, enabling participants to express their experiences and perceptions regarding the current state of DEI in the organization.
  • Data-Driven Insights: The qualitative data gathered from these discussions were meticulously analyzed to identify recurring themes, unique challenges, and potential opportunities for DEI enhancement. This deep dive into the employees’ perspectives was instrumental in shaping the subsequent steps of the strategy development process.

2.Identifying Core DEI Goals:

  • Strategic Prioritization: From the rich insights obtained, we worked with FCF’s leadership to distill and prioritize DEI goals that aligned with both the immediate needs and long-term aspirations of the organization. This prioritization considered factors such as impact potential, resource availability, and the specific challenges identified in the initial assessment phase.
  • Goal Setting: Each DEI goal was set with clear, measurable objectives, ensuring that progress could be effectively monitored and evaluated. This approach also facilitated the alignment of these goals with broader organizational strategies, reinforcing their importance across all levels of FCF.

3.Creating a Framework for Communication and Implementation:

  • Development of a DEI Maturity Model: We introduced a DEI maturity model that delineated three distinct stages of implementation—Developing, Proficient, and Leading. This model served as a roadmap for FCF, clarifying the progression expected as they advanced their DEI initiatives.
  • Operational Integration: Each stage of the model was integrated with specific operational actions, from baseline awareness-raising and training at the Developing stage to the incorporation of advanced DEI principles into strategic decision-making at the Leading stage. This integration ensured that DEI considerations became a routine part of everyday business processes.

4.Training and Upskilling:

  • Customized Training Programs: Based on the maturity model and the specific needs identified, we designed and deployed a series of tailored training sessions aimed at upskilling employees at various levels of the organization. These trainings covered a wide range of topics, including unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, and cross-cultural communication.
  • Sustainable Learning: To ensure long-term impact, we established ongoing learning paths for all employees, supplemented by regular refreshers and updates on DEI topics. This approach not only helped in building competence but also in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability within FCF.

The Results

First Children’s Finance has successfully created a comprehensive Inclusion strategy that can be embedded into its core operations and culture.

Leaders and employees now have a clear understanding of their roles in promoting inclusivity and are equipped with the tools to make substantial progress. The organization has reported enhanced team cohesion, increased employee satisfaction, and a stronger alignment between their values and actions.



The collaboration between Interaction Traction and First Children’s Finance highlights the transformative power of a well-crafted DEI strategy. By truly understanding and integrating the values and voices of all employees, organizations can not only enhance their internal culture but also boost their external impact and reputation. First Children’s Finance’s commitment to DEI is now a cornerstone of their identity, demonstrating that real change is possible when actions align with deeply held values.

Get started with a strategy that is inclusive and equitable today.