Abbreviation for a female-to-male transgender or transsexual person. University of California-Berkeley Gender Equity Center. (2013). Definition of terms: FTM/F2M. Retrieved from http://geneq.berkeley.edu/lgbt_resources_definiton_of_terms#ftm.

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A woman whose sexual identification is lesbian who is notably or stereotypically feminine in appearance and manner. Walker J.J, Golub S.A , Bimbi D. S & Parsons J.T. (2012) Butch

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A man whose primary romantic, emotional, physical and sexual attractions are to other men. This term can also be used to apply to lesbians, bisexuals, and on some occasions, be

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Refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for boys and men or girls and women. While aspects of biological sex are

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The system of belief that there are only two genders (men and women) and that gender is inherently tied to one’s sex assigned at birth. It holds cisgender people as superior

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A term that some people use who identify their gender as falling outside the binary constructs of male and female. They may define their gender as falling somewhere on a continuum

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Gender Binary System

A system of oppression that requires everyone to be raised either male or female, and masculine or feminine. Eliminates the possibility for other gender expressions and gives power to people whose

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Gender Confirming Surgery

 Medical surgeries used to modify one’s body to be more congruent with one’s genderidentity. See also sex reassignment surgery. Green, E. R., & Peterson, E. N. [LGBT Resource Center at

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Gender Cues

What human beings use to attempt to tell the gender/sex of another person. Green, E. R., & Peterson, E. N. [LGBT Resource Center at UC Riverside]. (2006). LGBTQI terminology (PDF).

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Gender Diversity

Refers to the extent to which a person’s gender identity, role or expression differs from the cultural norms prescribed for people of a sex. American Psychological Association – Divisions 16 and

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Gender Dysphoria

Refers to discomfort or distress that is associated with a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and that person’s sex assigned at birth (and the associated gender role and/or primary and secondary

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Gender Expression

Refers to the way a person communicates gender identity to others through behavior, clothing, hairstyles, voice or body characteristics. American Psychological Association. (2011). Answers to your questions about transgender people,

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Gender Fluid

A person whose gender identification and presentation shifts, whether within or outside of societal, gender-based expectations. University of California-Berkeley Gender Equity Center. (2013). Definition of terms: gender fluid. Retrieved from

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Gender Identity

Refers to a person’s internal sense of being male, female or something else. American Psychological Association. (2011). Answers to your questions about transgender people, gender identity, and gender expression.Retrieved from

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 Inclusive language to describe relationships (spouse and partner instead of husband/boyfriend and wife/girlfriend), spaces (gender-neutral/inclusive restrooms are for use by all genders),pronouns (they and ze are gender neutral/inclusive pronouns) among

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Gender Non-Conforming

An adjective and umbrella term to describe individuals whose gender expression, gender identity or gender role differs from gender norms associated with their assigned birth sex. American Psychological Association –

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Gender Normative

A person who by nature or by choice conforms to gender-based expectations of society. Also referred to as gender straight. Green, E. R., & Peterson, E. N. [LGBT Resource Center

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Gender Role

Refers to a pattern of appearance, personality and behavior that, in each culture, is associated with being a boy/man/male or being a girl/woman/female. A person’s gender role may or may

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Gender Variant

A synonym for gender diverse and gender non-conforming; gender diverse and gender non-conforming are preferred to gender variant because variance implies a standard normativity of gender. University of California-Berkeley Gender

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A conclusion based on insufficient or biased evidence. A rush to a conclusion before having all the relevant facts. Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2013). Using rhetorical strategies for persuasion. Retrieved

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Glass Ceiling

Barriers, either real or perceived, that affect the promotion or hiring of protected group members. Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlán. (2003). Glossary of terms relating to sexuality and gender (PDF).

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Hate Crime

(FBI) – A criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender or

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 An out-of-date and offensive term for an inter sexed person. Green, E. R., & Peterson, E. N. [LGBT Resource Center at UC Riverside]. (2006). LGBTQI terminology (PDF). Retrieved from http://www.lgbt.ucla.edu/documents/LGBTTerminology.pdf.

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The societal assumption and norm that all people are heterosexual. The basic civil rights and social privileges that a heterosexual person automatically receives that are systematically denied to gay, lesbian

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The belief or assumption that everyone is, or should be heterosexual; the idea that being heterosexual is normal, natural and healthy, and all other people are somehow unnatural, abnormal and

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The fear of homosexuality and homosexual people and of all things associated with homosexuality. University of Alaska-Southeast. (n.d.). LGBTIQ terminology and definitions (PDF). Retrieved from http://www.uas.alaska.edu/juneau/activities/safezone/docs/lgbtiq_terminology.pdf. (internalized) – When a

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 A male whose sexual orientation is toward other men or a female whose sexual orientation is toward females. Homosexual males typically prefer the term gay, and homosexual females typically prefer

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Identity Sphere

 The idea that gender identities and expressions do not fit on a linear scale, but rather on a sphere that allows room for all expression without weighting any one expression

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An alien who has been granted the right by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to reside permanently in the United States and to work without restrictions in the United States.

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The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. See also emigration. Immigration [Def. 1]. (n.d.). In Oxford Dictionaries Online, Retrieved March 23, 2016, from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/immigration.

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