Implicit Bias

Also known as unconscious or hidden bias, implicit biases are negative associations that people unknowingly hold. They are expressed automatically, without conscious awareness. Many studies have indicated that implicit biases

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 Authentically bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities and decision/policy making in a way that shares power. MP Associates and Center for Assessment and Policy Development. (2013).

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Inclusive Excellence

Comprehensive effort to link diversity and quality. It is about transitioning diversity andinclusion from isolated initiatives to catalyst for educational excellence. The four elements of inclusive excellenceare: focus on student

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Indigenous populations are composed of the existing descendants of the peoples who inhabited the present territory of a country wholly or partially at the time when persons of a different

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A person whose gender identity is between genders or a combination of genders. Green, E. R., & Peterson, E. N. [LGBT Resource Center at UC Riverside]. (2006). LGBTQI terminology (PDF).

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A feminist sociological theory, intersectionality is the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating

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Various conditions that lead to atypical development of physical sex characteristics are collectively referred toas intersex conditions. These conditions can involve abnormalities of the external genitals, internal reproductive organs, sex

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Invisible Minority

 A group whose minority status is not always immediately visible, such as some disabledpeople and LGBTIQ people. This lack of visibility may make organizing for rights difficult. University of California-Berkeley

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A way of describing any attitude, action or institutional structure that subordinates (oppresses) a person or group because of their target group, color (racism), gender (sexism), economic status (classism), older

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Kinsey Scale

 Moving away from the dichotomy of heterosexual or homosexual, Dr. Alfred Kinsey and hiscolleagues developed the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, a seven-point scale ranging from 0 to 6. The scale runs

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A woman whose sexual orientation is toward other women. Ball State University. (n.d.). Safe zone training (PDF). Retrieved from May%202012.pdf.

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Lesbian Baiting

The heterosexist notion that any woman who prefers the company of a woman, or who doesnot have a male partner, is a lesbian. Green, E. R., & Peterson, E. N.

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These acronyms refer to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, ally, intersex and questioning. Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville: Safe Zone. (n.d.). LGBT terminology. Retrieved from

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Lipstick Lesbian

Usually refers to a lesbian with a feminine gender expression. Green, E. R., & Peterson, E. N. [LGBT Resource Center at UC Riverside]. (2006). LGBTQI terminology (PDF). Retrieved from

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Male Lesbian

A male-bodied person who identifies as a lesbian. This differs from a heterosexual male in that a male lesbian is primarily attracted to other lesbian, bisexual or queer identified people.

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A legal status that is given to a couple by a state government. Regardless of where the marriage is issued,and subject to a few exceptions, it should be recognized by

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First used in 1994 by British journalist Mark Simpson, who coined the term to refer to an urban, heterosexual male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal

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 Brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative racial, gender, sexual orientation and religious slights and insults to the

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Migrant Worker

 A worker who moves from place to place to do seasonal work. Migrant worker [Def. 1.1]. (n.d.). In Oxford Dictionaries Online, Retrieved March 23, 2016, from

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Minority Group

 A subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their livesthan members of a dominant or majority group. A group that experiences a narrowing of opportunities (success,

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Men who engage in same-sex behavior, but who may not necessarily self-identify as gay or bisexual. University of California-Berkeley Gender Equity Center. (2013). Definition of terms: MSM. Retrieved from

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Abbreviation for male-to-female transgender or transsexual person. University of California-Berkeley Gender Equity Center. (2013). Definition of terms: MTF/M2F. Retrieved from

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An ill-founded belief, usually based on limited experience, which is given uncritical acceptance by members of a group, especially in support of existing or traditional practices and institutions. Santa Fe

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A person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not. Native [Def. 1]. (n.d.). In Oxford Dictionaries Online, Retrieved February

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An irrational prejudice against immigrants, and in favor of the native-born members of a culture. It is often associated with racism in that the targets of nativism typically belong to

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Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and

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(institutionalized) – Systematic mistreatment of people within a social identity group supported and enforced by the society and its institution, solely based on the person’s membership in the social identity

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Language that refers to them or others; typically used to identify a separation between and amonggroups. It has been used in social sciences to understand the processes by which societies

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To out someone is to declare their sexual orientation publicly without their permission. University of Alaska-Southeast. (n.d.). LGBTIQ terminology and definitions (PDF). Retrieved from

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A person whose gender identity is comprised of all or many gender expressions. University of California-Berkeley Gender Equity Center. (2013). Definition of terms: pangender. Retrieved from

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