A special right, advantage or immunity granted or available only to a person or group of people.
(heterosexual) – Those benefits derived automatically by being heterosexual that are denied to homosexualsand bisexuals. Also, the benefits homosexuals and bisexuals receive because of claiming heterosexual identity or denying homosexual or bisexual identity.
Green, E. R., & Peterson, E. N. [LGBT Resource Center at UC Riverside]. (2006). LGBTQI terminology (PDF). Retrieved from http://www.lgbt.ucla.edu/documents/LGBTTerminology.pdf.
(white) – Refers to the unquestioned and unearned set of advantages, entitlements, benefits and choices bestowed on people solely because they are white. Generally white people who experience such privilege do so without being conscious of it.
McIntosh, P. (1988). White privilege and male privilege: A personal account of coming to see correspondences through work in women’sstudies. Working paper, Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, Wellesley, MA.