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International Day for Tolerance (United Nations)

The United Nations voted in the Day of Tolerance in 1993 to demonstrate its commitment to strengthening tolerance through mutual understanding among cultures and peoples. Learn more about the International Day of Tolerance on the United Nations website.

International Day for Tolerance (United Nations)

The United Nations voted in the Day of Tolerance in 1993 to demonstrate its commitment to strengthening tolerance through mutual understanding among cultures and peoples. Learn more about the International Day of Tolerance on the United Nations website.

World Braille Day

Each year, we work to get Braille into the hands of more blind people. January 4 marks World Braille Day in celebration of its creator, Louis Braille. Every day, thousands of […]

Indian Self-Determination Act of 1975

Indian Self-Determination is the ability for tribal communities to shape their own destinies, unencumbered by external forces which may undermine their authority. In the years following the disastrous policy of […]