National Centenarian’s Day

National Centenarian’s Day honors those who’ve celebrated 100 birthdays or more.  Initially, the day urged people to listen to the stories centenarians had to tell. Their rich history and wisdom […]

Mabon 2024

Known as the pagan Thanksgiving, Mabon marks the Autumn Equinox, when day and night are equal, making it a time of balance, equality and harmony.  In ancient times Mabon was a celebration of the second harvest (Lughnasadh was the first) when farmers gathered hearty foods like gourds, pumpkins, grapes and apples. Modern Mabon celebrations are […]

Celebrate Bisexuality Day

Celebrate Bisexuality Day unites the bisexual community, their friends, and their supporters. It also raises awareness and provides an opportunity to educate the public about bisexuality.  The day aims to […]

World Heart Day

World Heart Day, annual observance and celebration held on September 29 that is intended to increase public awareness of cardiovascular diseases, including their prevention and their global impact. Sourced from

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Observed each October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) celebrates the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present, and showcases supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices that benefit […]

LGBTQ+ History Month

LGBTQ+ History Month was created in 1994 by Rodney Wilson, a high school history teacher in Missouri. In 1995, a resolution passed by the General Assembly of the National Education […]

Global Diversity Awareness Month

Global Diversity Awareness Month celebrates the values, contributions, and diversity of cultures and communities around the world. By elevating diverse voices, you highlight the unique perspectives each individual brings to […]

National Coming Out Day

National Coming Out Day is an annual celebration which takes place on 11 October every year. It was first celebrated on the one-year anniversary of the 1987 National March on […]

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD)

Each year on October 15, National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) focuses on HIV in Hispanic/Latino and Latinx communities. The Latino Commission on AIDSExit Disclaimer (LCOA) and Hispanic Federation created this observance in 2003, […]

Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day

Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day is observed annually.  The Chamber of Commerce’s primary objective is strengthening local businesses of all sizes. The best way to honor this organization […]