International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

The observance of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty can be traced back to 17 October 1987. On that day, over a hundred thousand people gathered at the Trocadéro in Paris, where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948, to honour the victims of extreme poverty, violence and hunger. They […]

LGBT Center Awareness Day

Every year on October 19, we come together to celebrate the vital role that LGBTQ+ Centers play in our communities. As LGBTQ+ issues gain increased recognition locally, nationally, and globally, this […]

National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

Back in November 1983, President Ronald Reagan designated November as National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month.  At the time, fewer than 2 million Americans had Alzheimer’s; today, the number of people with […]

Diwali 2024

Diwali is the five-day festival of lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. Diwali, which for some also coincides with harvest and new year celebrations, […]

National Epilepsy Awareness Month

November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month. According to the Epilepsy Foundation, 1 in 10 people will experience a seizure throughout their life, and 1 in 26 will develop epilepsy. Epilepsy can […]

National Native American Heritage Month

What started at the turn of the century as an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth […]

National Stress Awareness Day

National Stress Awareness Day aims to identify and reduce the stress factors in your life.  Everyone has stress. Some stress is good for us. It helps us to respond to […]

International Inuit Day

November 7 is International Inuit Day. Also known as International Circumpolar Inuit Day, it is a holiday created to celebrate Inuit and amplify their voices. Inuit are a group of […]

Guru Nanak Jayanti

This day celebrates the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, founder and first Guru of Sikhism. It is considered one of the most important Sikh holy days. Most Sikhs have […]

International Day for Tolerance (United Nations)

The United Nations voted in the Day of Tolerance in 1993 to demonstrate its commitment to strengthening tolerance through mutual understanding among cultures and peoples. Learn more about the International Day of Tolerance on the United Nations website.