Rama Navami
Rama Navami celebrates the birth of Lord Rama who is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This festival is celebrated during the time of March-April (the 9th day of the first […]
Rama Navami celebrates the birth of Lord Rama who is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This festival is celebrated during the time of March-April (the 9th day of the first […]
The mid-spring festival of Maidyozarem is the year’s first Gahambar (festival). It falls on the 41st to 45th days of the year, usually April 30 to May 4. Maidyozarem honors heaven […]
The Feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the most widely practiced and well-known devotions in the Roman Catholic Church. It takes the physical heart of Jesus as representation of His Divine love for humanity. The Feast of the Sacred Heart has been in the Roman Catholic Liturgical calendar since 1856, […]
Eid al-Adha, (Arabic: “Festival of Sacrifice”) also spelled ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā, also called ʿĪd al-Qurbān or al-ʿĪd al-Kabīr (“Major Festival”), Turkish Kurban Bayram, the second of two great Muslim festivals, the other being Eid al-Fitr. Eid al-Adha […]
Believers observe the midsummer festival of Maidyoi-shema on days 101 to 105 of the year, typically June 29 to July 3. It celebrates the creation of water, the spring harvest’s end, and the start of the summer harvest. Zoroastrians observe six seasonal festivals (Gahambar) that celebrate the sanctity of God’s universal creations. Each Gahambar lasts […]
The Islamic New Year takes place during the first month of the Hijrī, or Muslim lunar calendar. Though majority-Islamic countries are governed by the solar Gregorian calendar, the lunar calendar is used to calculate the dates of religious feasts and important observances such as the Hajj pilgrimage. Because the Hijrī relies on the movements of […]
Ashura marks the death anniversary of Hussain ibn Ali, a 7th-century revolutionary leader who was killed in The Battle of Karbala. The Day of Ashura is recognized by millions across […]
Asalha Puja Day, also referred to as Dharma Day, is one of the most important holy days for Buddhists. This day of celebration and new beginnings typically falls in July, on the full moon of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. Asalha Puja Day commemorates the establishment of Buddhism. It represents the day that […]
St. James, also called James, son of Zebedee, or James the Greater, (born, Galilee, Palestine—died 44 CE, Jerusalem; feast day July 25), one of the Twelve Apostles, distinguished as being in Jesus’ innermost circle and […]
Transfiguration, in the New Testament, the occasion upon which Jesus Christ took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured, his face and clothes becoming dazzlingly bright. The Transfiguration […]