Marcus Garvey Day
Marcus Garvey Day "commemorates Marcus Moziah Garvey, a Jamaican-born Black political activist, publisher, and journalist (to name a few). Garvey was probably the most charismatic Afro-American leader until Dr. Martin […]
Marcus Garvey Day "commemorates Marcus Moziah Garvey, a Jamaican-born Black political activist, publisher, and journalist (to name a few). Garvey was probably the most charismatic Afro-American leader until Dr. Martin […]
On the night of 22 to 23 August 1791, in Saint Domingue, today the Republic of Haiti, saw the beginning of the uprising that would play a crucial role in […]
Observed the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when […]
From September 15 - October 15 each year, we celebrate the many contributions of our Latino brothers and sisters across the country. Latinos make up almost 19% of the US […]
"Meskel is a festival in celebration of Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, finding the true cross upon which Jesus was crucified. Mirrored in many ways by Ash Wednesday in the west, the festival competes for top billing and is considered the most important festival for the laity and ordained alike." Sourced from
China celebrates the Chinese National Day on October 1st every year. The celebration commemorates the founding of the People’s Republic of China, which was established on October 1st, 1949. On that […]
Observed each October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) celebrates the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present, and showcases supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices that benefit […]
LGBTQ+ History Month was created in 1994 by Rodney Wilson, a high school history teacher in Missouri. In 1995, a resolution passed by the General Assembly of the National Education […]
Global Diversity Awareness Month celebrates the values, contributions, and diversity of cultures and communities around the world. By elevating diverse voices, you highlight the unique perspectives each individual brings to […]
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is one of Judaism’s holiest days. Meaning “head of the year” or “first of the year,” the festival begins on the first day of Tishrei, […]